- What kind of change? What to what? This change supposes a change from a work environment in which people work from the office and are freer, to working from home and being monitored 24 hours a day by their employers (for example by checking their internet activity or asking them to have the camera on all the time). It also highlights the fact that people are supposed to be connected all the time. Lines between professional and personal life are more and more blurred.
- What is driving this change? Technology is definitely an enabler and the covid-19 pandemic has created the biggest working from home experiment ever, but the main driver for this behaviour from some employers in the lack of trust from management. Is this the enlightened leadership we want to have? I’m not sure this will become the norm.
- What would be the future like in 10 years’ time if this signal was more widespread? 1984’s Big brother!
- Would you like it to happen? To bring it to life? No, it scares me. I don’t think it’s ethical nor conducive to high morale or high productivity.
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