- What kind of change? What to what? More and more companies are reconsidering the costs of real estate and their investments on corporate offices after the biggest ever experiment on home-working, enabled by the pandemic, showed some promising results. They are realizing it is pointless to spend all that money when people are equally or more productive working from home, so it is a change from a world in which millions of people commute every day to city centres to work from there, to one in which the mostly work from home and only visit their corporate offices for important meetings.
- What is driving this change? Savings and also the realization that employees can be equally or more productive working from home
- What would be the future like in 10 years’ time if this signal was more widespread? People would spend less time commuting and would have more time for their personal life. They would also gain on flexibility. Millions of square meters of real estate would free up (and get cheaper) in the centres of cities for other purposes, like for example private property. Retail businesses such as bars and restaurants catering to commuters would be heavily disrupted.
- Would you like it to happen? To bring it to life? Yes, I think it would be a positive move for most.
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