The compound effect, or how small changes in your life can have a huge impact.
personal growth
LeadershipPersonal Growth
How Can Future Leaders Develop Their Personal Growth Skills?
by Iker UrrutiaPersonal Growth is the fourth Leadership Quality of the Future Leader. It is key to keep learning to be successful in today’s changing world.
Personal GrowthPurpose and meaning
Is self-actualisation the secret to a happy life?
by Iker UrrutiaSelf-actualisation: what it is, why it is important and how to work towards it.
We all have limiting beliefs, we tell ourselves what we can and can’t do. There is a way to overcome them and transform them into enabling ones.
The power of good habits is that they make you better. In this post we look at how to build good habits and stop bad ones.
Slow Productivity is an idea in the right direction, but it has some limitations. Its time may not have arrived yet.
CoachingLeadershipPersonal Growth
“Know Thyself” or the importance of self-awareness
by Iker UrrutiaSelf-awareness is a critical, if often underrated, competency. If we don’t know ourselves well, how can we improve and lead others?
In an increasingly smaller world, understanding and leveraging cultural differences is a skill worth having.
Being aware of our vulnerability as human beings and showing it to others is not a weakness, but something we should all do more frequently.